Wednesday, April 28, 2010

唐幼馨的瑜伽提斯- 三分鐘辦公室養生操/ Yogalates sessions with Yao-Hsing Tang- 3 Min Offices Exercises

唐幼馨的瑜伽提斯三分鐘辦公室養生操無論多麼忙碌, 每天都要用瑜伽提斯愛自己一下, 只要三分鐘就可以遠離肩頸酸痛, 下背疼痛以及坐骨神經的壓迫, 最佳的養生補給, 美麗健康永遠不流失, 在肢體與心靈的內在平衡強化中, 享受超越身體的無限喜悅萬芳醫院核心運動中心Pilates運動教練美國運動管理碩士唐幼馨示範指導台灣第一位專業瑜伽提斯老師風行全球!一次運動,雙重效果,現代人最佳時尚養生運動首選專業動作設計!對一般運動傷害能達到深度的改善效果,同時美化肢體語言肢體藝術珍藏首選!金馬獎紀錄片導演江瑞宗執導特別企劃!三分鐘辦公室養生操,上班族輕鬆健身首選風潮音樂發行身體工房出版Yogalates sessions with Yao-Hsing Tang 3 Min Offices Exercises Rejuvenate Your Body, Cultivate Your Mind Yoga comes from ancient India where it was a form of contemplation. Yoga carries on a conversation between the human mind and the Universe. It energizes our life, builds-up our internal energy, Cultivates stability in our mind, and unites our body and soul. Pilates was originally developed in Germany. It was designed to aid and benefit the rehabilitation of wounded soldiers after World War I. It is primarily used to strengthen the central abdominal muscles. Pilates also helps to train and control our entire body.

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