Saturday, July 9, 2011

How Leg Stretch Yoga Pose extended Thu - Fitness Women

How Leg Stretch Yoga Pose extended Thu - some series of fitness videos from GeoBeats women. Hi, I'm Brenna, this is Heather, we are here to prove Bend Yoga Studio Padangusthasana or stretch straight leg. Standing on the back of your mat, and please step your left foot forward 3 meters. At this point you should be firmly rooted in the feet and expect that both sides are out in front of the pad. And then from there take their palmstogether behind his back in a reverse prayer position, squeezing your shoulder blades together. On your next inhalation, lift up through the heart and extend through the crown of the head, and exhale as you bend your front leg and press your shoulder blades together. Extending through the neck, and stay here for another 3-5 breaths.

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