Wednesday, December 22, 2010

History of Yoga through the ages

Yoga dates back to ancient history in India, where it is practiced today. This is the traditional disciplines of the spiritual and physical. In Hindu philosophy there are five major branches of yoga. Raja, Karma, Jnana, Bhakti and Hatha. Hatha yoga postures place outside India, with her and poses.

The word yoga has different meanings depending on the translation. You may combine say, tax, yoke, union, union, contemplation, andThe absorption as well as other words translated.

There have been many changes in thousands of years since it started. E 'was first a teacher and a course of training students. Its purpose was to gain an enlightened spiritual goal with self-realization of being and for the liberation of the individual.

Yoga did not change much for a long time. The changes occurred during the period of expansion along the Silk Road some five hundred EC.

Around thisOver time, other forms have emerged with different masters who have influenced, as amended. From this moment on yoga began to move in a more social role and the teachers were movements for the betterment of society and mental performance.

Again, there have been changes around fifteen hundred EC. Teachers have had their first knowledge of the practice hatha yoga and physical things, such as breath control and posture.

The ideas of a spiritualObjective and education, etc. began to lose and the goal of yoga was to develop a healthy body and flexible.

In modern times it has become an industry to make money in the world. In the Western world today is used to improve people's health with exercise in the form of yoga positions and poses the body more flexible and individual care in the control of body and mind through.

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